Sunday 18 July, 2010

cant think of a witty title

Ok, it has been exactly 13 days since my mom decided to go on a world tour (actually just Tokyo and LA, but from India; one is the East and the other is the West). This journey of 3 months, will break the previous record for the longest time i have been without her - 25 days; which was when I was 13 years old, an age where you are tended to by all living relatives as you are still "too little to take care of yourself". But now, 4 kazhadha vayasaachu, so, no one really croons over you, which kinda set me on the backfoot right from the moment her visa was stamped. My daily routine consisted of exactly:
(i) wake up
(ii) eat
(iii) go to office
(iv) back home and sleep
so, you can easily guess; i don't exactly fit in the category of "physically active" persons. Things get further complicated when you have a dad who has as much knowledge of cooking as Ajit Agarkar has on pace bowling. So, the story so far has been, I have to say (and proudly) not as bad as i expected.

(i) re-discovered my tea-making abilities; the last time i made good, drinkable tea was way back in 2006; i am slowly getting the hang of it again.
(ii) learnt to cook rice in microwave; last time i made rice in Hawkin's pressure cooker right under my mom's nose is a story better left untold.
(iii) not hibernating anymore. when my mom is here, time spent in house (minus time for brushing, bathing and err.. everything else) is equal to sleeping time.
(iv) feeding the kakas and the kuruvis and the other paravais, mom was lapping up all the punyam by doing this, now hopefully the kakas bless me with a better birth next time around. Oh, while my mom used to feed it only rice, i am dishing out a lot of variety - marie, milk bikis, cheeslings, kara chev, sev puri (yes, sev puri).
(v) talk to my dad without using a mediator
(vi) biggest achievement - haven't called the fire service yet!!

proud of myself for sustaining 13 whole days!!

Sigh!! 77 days to go!! :(


Ayshwarya said...

Hey!Cooking rice in Microwave is difficult .Get an electric cooker :D
By the way a good blog!

Upasana said...

:D .ENJOY ! me likes this post! :)

Unknown said...

Dont worry Keshav, its a good time to learn things. It will be of big help when you get married :-)

Tejas said...

"the last time i made good, drinkable tea was way back in 2006"

when u made me and dhana tea with salt instead of sugar ? I think Dhana will never forget my coffee and ur tea :D

as for the title, how about "(seldom-at-)home(-but-always-)alone" ?

KM said...

that tea was made by my sister dear Tej, polish yr memory well :P

KM said...

not a bad title :P shall put up all titles i get to vote; got 1 so far :P

Kaushik said...
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Kaushik said...

Didn't really know you've been blogging. :| Even now, saw your twitter update and saw the Inception post, casually scrolled down and saw you've blogged thrice this month alone.
Sigh. Apparently, best friends can never be blog-buddies.