Thursday 29 July, 2010

Lost and Inception

Connections between my favouritest American Sitcom - Lost and Favouritest movie - Inception. Totally amazing.

Flash forwards
Daddy issues
A sequence of six numbers
Cliffs crumbling into the sea
A Japanese man who offers a choice
A boy and a girl who fans think don't age but who, if you look closer, definitely do
The idea that this existence is false, and the only way to escape is to commit suicide
Anchoring yourself with an object of personal significance that exists in multiple realities
Washing ashore on a mysterious beach that might just be limbo
Escaping a flooding car, then buddy breathing to escape
"Dare you take a leap of faith? Or become an old man, filled with regret, waiting to die alone?"
The main action takes place on a flight from Sydney to L.A
An arrival at LA X that may or may not be part of a fantasy
And a shared dream between the characters, populated chiefly by projections, in which the main character is haunted by guilt and images from his past, making the overall theme of the entire work "letting go". 

am stunned!! Happy to love works of geniuses!! Proud!!

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