Friday 23 March, 2007

Vetti Fifty!!

Oh! This took a lot of time, so am re-posting it!!
if u r vettin enough u can copy and paste ur comments too :-D
Thanks da Gadhai!
Here goes my 50 :

1. Were you named after anyone?
Anyone? Its one of Lord Krishna's names, I dont know about any person

2. Do you wish on stars?

3. When did you last cry?
I do that regularly, sans tears, though

4. Do you like your handwriting?
It sucks big time

5. What is your favourite meat?
Will my cousin sister's finger count as one? used to bite that a lot when i was 2 yrs old :-p

6. What is your most embarrassing CD on your shelf?
The lack of CDs on my shelf is what embarasses me!

7. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you?

8.Are you a daredevil?
Not at all

9. How do you release anger?
Throw something unbreakable on the wall! its very simplke, yr anger subsides and no damage done!

10. Where is your second home?
At this point of time, I would say the college I studied in

11. Do you trust others easily?
Very easily

12. What was your favourite toy as a child?
I had a Robot, a plane, a teddy and a doll that cries, laughs at the push of a button, was very pocessive about these 4

13. What class in school/college do you think is totally useless?
Languages!(yuck!) they should not make it compulsory

14. Do you use sarcasm a lot?

15. Have you ever been in a mosh pit?
Whats that?

16.What do you look for in a gal(/guy)?
Nothing specific

17. Would you bungee jump?
If someone takes the pain to compel me, I will

18. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
I do

19.what's your favourite ice cream?

20. What are your favourite colours?
All kinds of blue

21. What are your least favourite things?
Thats a toughie, cant think of any now

22. How many people do you have a crush on right now?

23. Who do you miss most right now?
Hmmm... A LOT of things.

24. What are you listening to right now?
A variety of sounds; dad's switching the channels @ 2 pe second :-p

25. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?

26. What is the weather like right now?
quite sultry

27. Last person you talked to on the phone?
former colleague- Vijay

28. The "first" thing you notice about the opposite sex?
The first thing any sane male would think about a totally stranger female would obviously be how she looks

29. Do you like the person who sent you this?
no comments :-p

30. How are you today?
Pretty ok, very sleepy though(as always)

31. Favourite non alcoholic drink?
Strawberry milk shake

32. Favourite alcoholic drink?
not tried any so far

33. Natural hair colour?

34. Eye colour?

35. Wear contacts?

36. Siblings?
No :-(

37. Favourite month?
April. Loved it when I was n school for the holidays, so, still loving it

38.Favourite food?
Chapathi, Paratha etc..

39. Favourite day of the year?
Nothing specific

40. Have you ever been too shy to ask someone out?
I guess I am, haven't dared to ask anyone so far :-p

41. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy Endings! :)

42. Summer or winter?

43. Holi or Diwali?

44. Do you like your name?

45. What book/magazine are you reading?
Calvin and Hobbes - Yukon Ho!

46. What's on your mouse pad?
A faded blue with no writing and the edges peeling

47. What did you watch on TV last night?
ESPN-Star Sports-Ten Sports-Neo Sports-Discover-National Geographi-Animal Planet-Cartoon Network-Pogo

48. Favourite Smell?
A baby from the bath, it smells very nice

49. Have you ever regretted breaking up with someone?
Its never happened in my life

50. Most tiresome thing you’ve ever experienced/done?
getting up from my sofa and move to the fridge to get water!


Vasumathi said...

hey! happened to read ur blog and ur orkut profile..u sound just like me! Good job.Keep writing.


Serendipity said...

chweet but y second bloggu?

KM said...

first bloggu not signing in aks, u think i created a new id for fun? :p

KM said...

thanks vasumathi